Our customers always tell us there is something unique about a Fortunoff diamond. They are more beautiful, sparkly and special than our competitors diamonds. We work hard to make sure every diamond we sell is more stunning than ones you see elsewhere. But how do we do it?
One-of-a-Kind Diamonds
First, have you noticed how many jewelry stores have cases full of diamonds, just sitting there, waiting, and waiting? These diamonds in cases at the store come by the box-full from suppliers who just want to push their diamonds out the door, hoping to eventually attract someone. At Fortunoff Jewelry, we don't work that way!
Hand-Picked Selections
We believe in hand-picking just one beautiful diamond at a time. We start by knowing what matters most. Each customer has different priorities from the size, shape, color and clarity of the diamond. We look for the very best diamonds, from our best suppliers, that are perfect for our customers and their individual needs.
In addition, we've known our suppliers for many years and know they source only ethically and responsibly. Our suppliers know just how picky we are! We only accept a small fraction of the diamonds offered because of our keen eye and demanding standards.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Another reason we need to see every diamond is to decide if it is graded accurately and if it is beautiful to the eye! Will it still be beautiful over the years to come? Is it cut to sparkle and delight at every angle? All these questions have to be answered with an enthusiastic "Yes!" before we select it for our client.
We do this because we want you to feel confident in your trust in us, and as proud of your diamond as we are to call it a Fortunoff Diamond! If it's not beautiful enough to sell to one of our family members, we won't consider it good enough for you – our extended family.
By the way, all the diamonds not good enough for our customers go back to the supplier and end up sitting in showcases to sit and wait! See just how special our diamonds are in our Diamond Favorites collection!