September has brought a few hints of fall days again in Long Island weather, and with it, we always think of sapphires and chrysanthemums, which both begin to appear this month.
And, since we're waiting in anticipation for the new season of "The Crown" to begin later in the fall, which picks up on Queen Elizabeth II and her family in the 1960s, we should note that she is also a huge sapphire fan, and particularly of a gorgeous chrysanthemum brooch that has figured in a lot of her happiest and most romantic moments.

The first time it attracted notice was when she wore it for a honeymoon portrait with Prince Phillip in 1947. When the couple decided on their sixtieth anniversary -- completely on their own -- to recreate their wedding photo in the same location, and in the same pose, the chrysanthemum brooch made another appearance, too.
There's also a very sweet early photo of the royal family when Prince Charles and Princess Anne were tiny, where the Queen wears the brooch again, and it has appeared countless times over the years since, according to royal jewelry watchers. Most recently, she wore it in 2015 for Easter Sunday services.
We speak often to our customers about the beautiful customs of legacy jewelry, and they will also bring us their treasured pieces along with lovely stories such as those conveyed by QE II.
Sapphire is a particularly apt gem for a jewel you'd like to wear throughout life to mark your special occasions and to pass on to your children. That's why we always have a beautiful selection at Fortunoff Jewelry ready for your perusal. Enjoy the autumn weather, and happy sapphire hunting!